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  October 1st, 2010

MultiCast Gold

Application Compatibility

 GoldMine 7 Corporate Edition
 GoldMine Premium

MultiCast Gold v2

MultiCast Gold has been acquired by Beachwood Systems Consulting, Inc. in Cleveland, Ohio. Please visit their web site,, or email for information about this product.

A totally new & revamped MultiCast. WOW!

We're really excited about the MultiCast Gold release.

MultiCast was originally designed by me to meet the needs of one of my clients. It has now been redesigned to work with GoldMine Premium, and GoldMine 7 Corporate Editions. However, has it changed for v2, and for the better MultiCast now incorporates two modules.

Mult-Line Sale

The first module consists of the Multi-Line Sales, and, whereas in the past you are limited to 12 Sales Product Lines, in V2 you may have Unlimited Sale Product Lines, and let me tell you, this displays very nicely in GoldMine Premium Preview. Multi-Line Sales will allow you to Create, Modify or Complete a Forecast Sale within GoldMine. What is very nice about Multi-Line Sales is that it will allow unlimited line items which will result in an overall Forecast Sale with the Sum of all of your line items. When Completing a Multi-Line Sale, you may opt to have Multi-Line Sale Complete your Sale as one overall Sale with is many individual Sales as there are Line Items. You can then easily create a SQL Query/Report/Dashboard to find out, for instance, how many Widgets were sold this past year. Alternatively, you could as easily create a SQL Query/Report/Dashboard to find the Forecast Sales Completed and/or Pending. Yet another new feature of Multi-Line Sales is the ability to create, save and utilize Product Kits.  Additionally, MultiCast will permits you to use your own value labels.  You are no longer stuck with Product, Code or Units for your line items.  Let's take a look at the GoldMine Preview screen for a typical Multi-Line Sales estimate:

MultiCast Forecast Sale

Mult-Lined Task

The second module included as part of the MultiCast Gold product consists of the Multi-Lined Task, and is new to v2.  How many times have you scheduled a series of Tasks either by hand or via an Automated Process in GoldMine when it really should have been a single Task with multiple steps that were required to finish the overall Task?  How many times have you wished that you had checkboxes in GoldMine?

Welcome to the Multi-Lined Task.

Like Multi-Line Sales, Multi-Lined Task permits you to create Templates of your Task steps to be utilized per your corporate standard.  You could then use any of your Templates to create a New Multi-Lined Task.  Let's take a look at the GoldMine Preview screen for a typical Multi-Lined Task that is two steps into the process:

Multi-Lined Task

Checkboxes, and a chronology of the actions as the process progress ( assisted with our free add-on ClipDate ) all in one simple to use, nicely displayed, convenient format.

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